Bild & Runsten

Many organizations strive to make the world a better place. At Bild & Runsten we pursue this ambition by developing business leaders and financial specialists to be well prepared to make wise decisions. Through what we call Financial Learning we hope to give them a financial voice to get their message across, and financial ears to understand the arguments of others.

We develop individuals
and their businesses

Our goal is to create and share inspiring knowledge that lasts and that stimulates and supports continuous learning. To achieve this we have designed learning processes that are interactive, sustainable, evidence based, company relevant, up to date, learner friendly, innovative, unexpected, fun, and inspiring.

We have a client oriented
approach to Financial Learning

At Bild & Runsten, there is no such thing as general or universal Financial Learning. Everything we do has a clear purpose: our clients’ purpose. Even in our open-enrollment offerings we always customize the content to our clients’ reality and needs.

We only focus on
Financial Learning

Financial Learning is all that we do and what makes us unique in the industry. For us, it is not a peripheral add-on service but the work that receives our full attention.

We have global, climate smart reach

We call our delivery approach GIFT – Green Interactive Financial Training. This means that with tailor-made tests, online workshops, and, when essential, geographically limited, local workshops, we can deliver learning all over the world in a climate-smart, interactive and financially efficient way

We have outstanding qualifications

Bild & Runsten has been helping individuals to develop and business to improve since 2003. Our clients come from many industries, many countries, and all continents. Our work has won numerous pedagogical awards.

We are forerunners in innovation

Whether through pioneering the use of interactive tablets or live survey technologies, Bild & Runsten has always been an early adopter of new training technologies. And we continue to build on that tradition with interactive webinars broadcasted from our own state-of-the-art production studio.

We also develop company-specific interactive digital tools to support and evaluate learning. Organizations repeatedly ask for our pioneering innovative services, and Bild & Runsten serves as the sounding board for digital learning for top-ranked business schools all over the world.

We commit to the entire process

Working with the Bild & Runsten approach to Financial Learning, clients will meet the same team members in every phase of the learning process.

This guarantees a consistent channel for communication and ensures that dialogue remains open through the design, preparation, delivery, and follow-up phases.

Customized and open enrollment programs

Our programs are tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We offer programs structured along the dimensions profession, industry, mission, and topic. Some of the programs are in-house for corporate clients while others are open enrollment. The topic programs are mostly delivered as MBA-modules to a select few top-ranked business schools.

Some ongoing and past programs.

Open | Profession

Business Finance for Communicators

open | Profession
open | profession
open | industry

Finance Professionals


NCC Industry
- Business finance






PMBA course in Management Control

The Financial Gym

For continuous training we strongly recommend that you become a member of our Financial Gym


The Financial Gym

Support offers

Some of the building blocks in our financial learning processes can also be very useful as standalone products.

Bild & Runsten
Financial Coaching

Bild & Runsten
Financial Intelligence

Bild & Runsten
Financial Models

Bild & Runsten
Financial Opinion

Bild & Runsten
Financial Test

We regularly contribute to business schools such as


Magnus Bild

+46 708 662 618

Mikael Runsten

+46 707 358 365‬

Johan Alenius

Graphic design & technician
+46 709 649 845

Visiting address

Bild & Runsten AB

Skeppar Olofs gränd 3
SE-111 31 Stockholm

Best Teacher Awards given to
Bild & Runsten over the years:

Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – PMBA 2020
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – PMBA 2019
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – PMBA 2018
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien – PMBA 2017
Stockholm School of Economics – MSc 2016
Stockholm School of Economics – EMBA 2012
Stockholm School of Economics – EMBA 2011
Hanken & SSE – Best exec faculty 2010
Stockholm School of Economics – EMBA 2010
Stockholm School of Economics – EMBA 2009
Stockholm School of Economics – MBA 2007
Stockholm School of Economics – MBA 2005
Stockholm School of Economics – BSc 1995

Open Enrollment | Profession | swedish only

Business Finance for Communicators

This program is designed exclusively for communicators. It aims at equipping the participants with the financial tools, financial language and financial communication skills that are necessary to make a financial message sticky. The program format, six live interactive webinars with time for application and reflection in between, stretches and deepens the learning and benefits organizational impact.

The program is run together with The Swedish Communication Association since 2019.

Open Enrollment | Profession | swedish only

Business Finance for HR

This program is designed exclusively for executives and specialists within HR. It aims at equipping the participants with the financial tools, financial language and financial communication skills that are necessary to get acceptance for various HR-initiatives. The program format, six live interactive webinars with time for application and reflection in between, stretches and deepens the learning and benefits organizational impact.

The program has been developed in cooperation with a group of seasoned HR-executives and the next round TBA.

Open Enrollment | profession | swedish only

Business Finance for Board Members

Including many perspectives and a broad range of experience is a critical component in helping Boards reach wise decisions. To benefit from all the competence in a corporate board it is important all the board members are comfortable in the financial language.

Bild & Runsten Financial Learning has in cooperation with StyrelseAkademien in Stockholm created a tailor-made program for board members with explicit focus on the financial issues that a board member should feel confident about.

The program format, six live interactive webinars with time for application and reflection in between, stretches and deepens the learning and benefits impact.

Next program starts on September 4, 2023.

Open Enrollment | Industry | swedish only

Business Finance for Electric Grid Companies

The electric grid has an increasingly vital role in society.  This creates both exciting opportunities and complex challenges for electric grid owners, their management and their key staff.

Bild & Runsten, in cooperation with Swedenergy, has created a tailor-made program to increase the financial competence of key decision-makers.  The program is designed to help participants fully understand and manage issues related the financial consequences of the enormous investments required to build and maintain an electric grid.

The program format, with eight live interactive webinars with time for application and reflection in between gives ample time for deep learning and real impact.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

12 weeks

Customized program | Profession

Maersk - Finance Professionals Program

Maersk, a global transportation giant needed a program to develop their finance professionals worldwide. The metaphor: “From the trunk to the front seat” guided us as we co-created a program containing both financial toolbox elements, analytical cases and a large dose of communication training.

We collaborated with Maersk to design five highly interactive online workshops, a three-day IRL workshop followed by a final online workshop. The design ensured enough time for deep learning, experience sharing and networking, but at the same time minimized travels.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

10 weeks

Customized program | Mission

NCC Industry - Business finance

NCC, one of the leading construction companies in the Nordic region, wanted a program for hi potentials in Business Area Industry. To allow time for on the job anchoring and reflection, we developed a programme with three interactive webinars surrounded with an opening day IRL and a closing day IRL.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

Customized program | Topic

PMBA course in Financial Reporting

We have designed and delivered the course Financial Reporting since 2012 in the Professional MBA-program for WU Executive Academy in Vienna. WU is the top-ranked business school in Austria. We designed a module focusing on the content of, and the relations between, financial reports, how different decisions affect the financial reports, and how strategies leave footprints in financial reports.

The course has been delivered on campus as a two-day module and more recently as six highly interactive live webinars.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

Customized program | Topic

PMBA course in Financial Management

We have designed and delivered the course Financial Management since 2012 in the Professional MBA-program for WU Executive Academy in Vienna. WU is the top-ranked business school in Austria. We designed a module that provides an overview of how growth, profitability and financial strength of a company can be analysed and influenced.

The course has been delivered on campus as a two-day module and more recently as six highly interactive live webinars.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

Customized program | Topic

PMBA course in Management Control

We have designed and delivered the course Management Control since 2012 in the Professional MBA-program for WU Executive Academy in Vienna. WU is the top-ranked business school in Austria. We designed a module that provides an overview of controlling techniques and frameworks necessary to understand how decisions are prepared, analyzed and followed-up in most organizations.

The course has been delivered on campus as a two-day module and more recently as six highly interactive live webinars.

Open Enrollment | swedish

The Financial Gym

We believe that continuous training enhances learning. In that spirit we offer the Financial Gym that allows you to practice your financial fitness on fresh business news at least every second Friday all year around.

Support offers

Bild & Runsten Financial Coaching

Have you ever hired a personal trainer to boost your fitness? Have you considered to let a piano tutor help you master your favourite pieces? Well, then you have an idea what Bild & Runsten Financial Coaching can offer, namely precious sessions one-to-one with one of our experienced partners, be it in real life or over the internet.

We have helped business leaders and financial specialist to broaden or deepen their desired knowledge since 2003. Among other topics, we have dived into discussions about which KPIs to prioritize, how to structure a takeover deal, and how to communicate financials to the board. Yet, it is important to emphasize that our core is financial learning, and not financial consulting.

Our clients have typically come from listed companies, family owned businesses, or state owned enterprises. Some have been politicians and entrepreneurs. They have been united in a conviction that Bild & Runsten can offer something truly unique, something they can not get in open enrollment programmes at business schools or consultancy firms.

Naturally, most clients have been Swedish, but we have also helped Norwegians, Danes, Finns, Frenchmen, and Americans to develop. The list of positions is fairly long, we have met owners, chairmen, CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, CCOs, CIOs and some others.

Should this be something for you, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Support offers

Bild & Runsten Financial Intelligence

Strategic Business Finance Intelligence is worthwhile. It can shed light on questions such as: Who is performing best in our industry? How good are we at attracting supplier financing compared to our peers? Who of our competitors has the muscles to lead the consolidation of our industry? Who in our industry will face financial problems in the next downturn?

To answer the questions above, and many more, we have developed Bild & Runsten Financial Intelligence (BRFI). Basically, it is a database benefitting from our deep expertise of performing high quality analyses of companies’ financials. Its careful selection of relevant KPIs, user-friendly presentation format, and appealing layout enables true financial learning and very powerful company analysis, both over time and across companies.

You can order analysis of company financials from us. We will upload them in BRFI and give you unique access to the companies on your wish list.

Follow the link below to get a flavour of how relative reports may look.

Password: demo

Support offers

Bild & Runsten Financial Models

A core competence of Bild & Runsten, in any financial learning situation, is to integrate financial consequences and business activities. Tailormade financial models, often built in spread sheet programs, can play an important role in this context.

We have built many financial models over the years, always keeping in mind our moto ‘the simpler the better’ and our credo ‘never ask a model a question it wasn’t built to answer’. The models have served us well by increasing the knowledge of both our clients and ourselves.

Our standard advise to people asking for a financial model is ‘construct your own’. By doing it themselves they will deepen their financial learning. Still, even the one who opts to follow our advise can benefit from some inspiration. Therefore, you will below find a selected few of our models.

Should you need our assistance, please let us know!

Support offers

Bild & Runsten Financial Opinion

We offer high quality second opinion to decision makers, for instance when a takeover bid is to be placed. We help shed light over questions such as: Is the suggested price reasonable? Have the relevant circumstances been considered?  Which profitability do we need to reach to motivate the price? We restrict our services to give second opinions, hence we do not provide first opinions.

Bild & Runsten has a unique advisor position combining deep theoretical financial competence, outstanding pedagogical skills, and thorough business understanding. We have PhD-degrees, diplomas in pedagogy and many years of experience from teaching managers and board members business finance. The amount of teaching awards from executive education and business schools is a strong indicator of our teaching quality and impact.

We have had roles as experts in high profile financial disputes such Livförsäkringsaktiebolaget Skandia versus Försäkringsaktiebolaget Skandia, Carnegie versus Riksgälden and Swedish electric grid owners versus Energimarknadsinpektionen.

If you want our financial opinion, do not hesitate to contact us.

Support offers

Bild & Runsten Financial Test

In many situations there is a need to assess financial knowledge, be it board evaluation, recruitment, change management endeavours, or training preparations. To meet this need, we have developed Bild & Runsten Financial Test (BRFT). It contains hundreds of financial questions that can be twisted to meet your unique purpose.

Follow the link below to get a flavour of a test we designed for a client with a specific purpose in mind. The client wanted to test the organisation’s knowledge about its main KPI – the Operating Margin. In this particular case, we wanted to test the knowledge about why the Operating Margin is important, how it can be improved and what is included in the measure.

Open Enrollment | Industry | swedish only

Business Finance for Municipality-Owned Companies

Today, the almost 2,000 municipality-owned companies in Sweden are facing the need for more services but often with fewer available resources.  To understand the financial consequences of large and small decisions is increasingly important.

Bild & Runsten, in cooperation with Sobona, has created a tailor-made program to support management and other key staff to face the challenges of today and anticipate and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

The program format, with several live interactive webinars with time for application and reflection in between, learning quizzes and a final 24-hour onsite workshop gives ample time for deepened learning and real impact.

= Workshop IRL

= Workshop online

= Financial test

Customized program | Topic

EMBA course in Management Accounting and
Performance Management

ESMT Berlin, the #1 business school in Germany, asked us to develop and deliver the course in Management Accounting and Performance Management in their Executive MBA-program. The overall goal was to strengthen the students’ knowledge about how to measure, analyze and drive sustainable financial performance.

We developed a course centered around six business questions critical for any organization.The course includes live examination using Bild & Runsten Financial Test for customized assessments and has been delivered as highly interactive workshops either on campus or online.